Rabu, 24 September 2008


Inspired by the dance named barongsai furthermore in the next occasion what going on is like the open gate for many inspirations.
Indonesia is the beautifull country with various tribes and ethnics group also coloured by various culture. Beside Barongsai have been known as thiongh
oa tribal dance, the others close similar are Barong dance and barongan dance. Barong is Baliness dance have been known famous for foreigners who visited to Bali. Barongan is javaness dance have been spreaded around java an very famous as trance power dancing, and have many many variant name such as Reog, kuda lumping or jaranan. The same of those tribal dances are use animal as a symbol of certain spirit and no rare in their moving consist of disguished martial art essention especially silat and kungfu.
why do we use Barong as our corporation name? It means we want to make a class name includes variant names of the three similar items namely Barongsai, Barongan and Barong become one united name as Barong. we had decided to proclaim barong as an icon, the icon we dedicated as an tribute to the spirit of those cultures, the culture we named Barong Culture.
Diilhami oleh satu jenis tarian yaitu Barongsai, pada kesempatan berikutnya yang terjadi adalah seperti terbukanya gerbang bagi berbagai jenis inspirasi.
Indonesia adalah negeri cantik nan elok yang hidup di dalamnya berbagai etnis dan suku bangsa dan di warnai aneka ragam budaya. Selain Barongsai yang terkenal sebagai tarian suku thionghoa, tarian lain yang sejenis adalah tari barong dan tari barongan. Barong adalah tarian asli Bali yang sudah cukup terkenal bagi kalangan wisatawan luar negeri yang pernah berkunjung ke Bali. Barongan adalah jenis tarian asli jawa yang cukup terkenal karena seringkali dijumpai fenomena kesurupan atau trance merasuki pemainnya. Di seantero jawa Barongan dimainkan dalam berbagai paguyuban seni dan terbagi dalam berbagai variant yaitu Reog, seni kuda lumping atau jaranan. Persamaan dari tiga macam seni tari kesukuan tersebut ( Barong-Barongan-Barongsai) adalah sama- sama menggunakan binatang sebagai simbol spiritual tertentu dan tak jarang di dalam gerakan mereka terkandung unsur-unsur beladiri yang disamarkan yaitu silat maupun kungfu.
Kenapa kami memakai nama Barong sebagai nama perusahaan ini? Ini sengaja, karena kami ingin membuat satu nama kelas yang termasuk di dalamnya tiga jenis tarian tersebut yaitu Barong, Barongan dan Barongsai menjadi satu menjadi satu kesatuan nama yaitu Barong. Kami telah memutuskan untuk memproklamasikan Barong sebagai sebuah ikon, ikon yang kami persembahkan untuk menghormati kultur ini, kultur yang kami sebut sebagai Barong Culture.

Minggu, 21 September 2008

The next mimetic revolution defines Barong is not just an icon for our culture. Moreover Barong is the term of our concept for martial art perspective. We regard the dicipline of all kinds of martial art as boxing as an attemp to understand how boxing is learned in such symetric ways. Barong is the the acronym of boxing articulation on the glide. wordnet.princeton.edu defines boxing is fighting with the fist. Different with the others, we define boxing is the martial perspective where capability of fighting use all parts of human bodi's weapon learned and trained in symetric ways base on the nature of the shape and mechanism of the body. The definition of articulation we find from wordnet.princeton.edu is the aspect of prunciation that involves bringing articulatory organs together so as to shape the sounds of speech. In our boxing articulation means the aspect of mind and physicall pronunciation involves bringing articulatory boxing organs so as to shape the attitude of boxing movement in harmony with the mind and instinct intelligence. Glide is the measurement of boxing articulation signed by the effective and imperceptibly movement.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Boxingtariom of Barong Boxing

Round to Round Containing System

Description surround of barong boxing conclude the bailiwick of barong boxing is wider than ussual boxing in common. Concerning to the complexity of body weapon we classify barong boxing by round to round containing system. It means various kind of body weapon regarded as a content which will distinguish every each of round to another. According this containing system we devide barong boxing as some below:

1. Round of kick

Just kicking is legal in this round the other is unallowed.

2. Round of punch

Just punching is legal in this round the other is Unallowed.

3. Round of kick and punch

Kicking and punching is allowed the others are unallowed.

4. Round of non contest content.